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Homeless Services & Community Support




It is important that children have an opportunity to learn, grow and develop their strengths, no matter their circumstances.  Alexander County Schools endeavors to ensure that every student in our system has the benefit of an education.  This includes those students who by virtue of their parents' economic status do not reside in a stable housing situation.  Research indicates that over 1.5 million children in the United States are homeless or living in situations that cause them to have to relocate regularly.  Students who are precariously housed have a greater chance of falling behind in their school work and face a number of barriers to learning.

It is especially important that children who are experiencing homelessness with their families feel like the school is supporting them.  The schools, parents and community agencies all have a part in making that support successful. We serve identified students within the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

Jessica Anderson

Executive Director of Exceptional Children and Student Services

Nikki McClain

Administrative Assistant for Exceptional Children and Student Services

700 Liledoun Road, Taylorsville, NC  28681

Phone: (828) 632-7001 ext. 205

Fax: (828) 632-8862