Core Student Engagement Social-Emotional Practices and Behavior Practices
Defining Student Engagement, Social-Emotional Practices, and Behavior Practices
Student engagement is the bridge between academic achievement and appropriate student behavior. It is often viewed as a student trait; however, it is multi-dimensional and significantly impacted by instructional, curricular, and environmental variables.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. ( It is important for teams to establish a common language and understanding of social-emotional learning practices within an MTSS, and this tool can be utilized for team discussions and planning.
When teams begin the work of defining Core Behavior Practices, the primary focus should be around the adult routines that contribute to strong classroom management and promote positive student behavior. This tool and its linked resources can be utilized by teams as an outline to begin this work.
Source: NC MTSS Implementation Guide, Essential Elements of Core
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