Inclement Weather Employee Guidelines
Inclement Weather
The following protocol and procedures shall be used, however, if circumstances warrant other directives, the superintendent will communicate as necessary.
Inclement Weather Remote Learning Day- Buildings are Open:
- If an employee cannot safely commute to work and can complete his/her job duties by teleworking, then he/she may telework with supervisor permission.
- Inclement Weather Remote Learning Days will be treated as a day of student instruction.
- Students shall receive purposeful instruction as referenced in the “Remote Learning Checklist" - For Staff Only.
- All employees shall work their normally assigned hours of service unless changed by the district (No Overtime).
Inclement Weather Remote Learning Day-Buildings are Closed:
- If an employee can complete his/her job duties by teleworking, then he/she will telework.
- If an employee’s work may not be done via telework, then the following is to be decided between the employee and the supervisor:
- If the circumstances warrant an employee reporting to the building to work, the employee must communicate with the supervisor for permission. If an employee may not report to the building to work, the employee may choose one of the options in Policy Code 7550.
- If an employee chooses to make up the time, use this sheet to record time for payroll purposes -Inclement Weather Work Timesheet - For Staff Only.
Inclement Weather/Optional Teacher Workdays
(No Remote Learning Option):
- If an employee can not safely commute to the building, and can complete their job duties in a remote setting, he/she may telework (with supervisor permission). Document work assignments completed.
- If an employee can not safely commute to the building and does not telework, the employee may choose one of the options in Policy Code 7550. If the employee chooses to make up the time, use this sheet to record time for payroll purposes - Inclement Weather Work Timesheet - For Staff Only
- If an employee can safely commute to the building, then he/she may work a normal teacher workday or take leave.
- All employees shall work their normally assigned hours of service unless changed by the district (No Overtime).
Policy Code: 7550
Absences Due to Inclement Weather
On a day that employees have the option to report for a workday but pupils are not required to attend school due to inclement weather, employees have the following options:
1. report to work (In-person/Telework with supervisor permission);
2. take accumulated annual (vacation) leave;
3. take accumulated personal leave, if available (teachers only);
4. use compensatory leave already accumulated;
5. take leave without pay; or
6. make up the time missed.
If an employee elects to make up time, it shall be at a mutually agreed upon time between the employee and the immediate supervisor. For 10-month employees, it shall be within the regular 10-month employment.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-84.2, -302.1
11/12 Month Employees
Eleven and twelve-month employee workdays are not governed by the ten-month calendar (other than specified holidays.) When schools are closed and work is missed due to inclement weather, eleven and twelve month employees have the following options:
- report to work(In-person/Telework with supervisor permission);
- take annual (vacation) leave;
- use compensatory leave already accumulated;
- take leave without pay; or
- make up the time missed.
10 month Employees:
- Employees are to be given the option to make up time missed due to inclement weather, if they elect. “With permission of their supervisor” implies that the make-up time, or event credited for time, must be approved to count towards make-up time, not that the supervisor is to approve the request to make up the time.
- Work with employees to make sure that they have every opportunity to make up time if requested.
- Make-up time for employees, not exempt from Fair Labor Standards laws, (non-certified employees) will be made up hour for hour and not at time and a half. (No overtime will be allowed for the make-up option.)
- Non-certified employees will sign out of TimeKeeper and use the attached Inclement Weather Work Timesheet - For Staff Only to record make up the time.
- Make-up time documentation must be kept on file at the school for all employees making up time (exempt and non-exempt.)
Weather Delays
School Delay (with Students)
- Employees will not lose this time. Employees will be made whole with “Official Office Closing” being coded in payroll.
- If school is delayed, staff members are required to report to work at least 30 minutes before students arrive or the start time of the facility. Individual principals may have different requirements in order to meet the needs of their school and may adjust accordingly.
- Time for the delay will not be made up and “Official Office Closing” will be used to credit employees for their normal hours worked.
- Example - 2hr delay = Maximum 2 hour credit
- Employees shall NOT record overtime on delayed school days.
School Delay (Without Students)
- Employees will not lose this time. Employees will be made whole with “Official Office Closing” being coded in payroll.
- Example = Two-hour delay: Students served remotely or students not served (Optional Teacher Workday) - staff report on a 2hr delay.
- Time for the delay will not be made up and will be credited to all employees (maximum credit = the hours delayed).
- Example - If an inclement weather day is called and the start time for employees is delayed, those electing to makeup time or those who elect to work will only work/makeup the remainder of that normal day’s time (2 hour delay, employee will work or makeup 6 hrs) (Employees get NO more time than the delay).
- Time can not be banked, used at the end of the day or as comp time. If an employee arrives early or at normal time on a delayed day, the employee is not entitled to leave early. This is NOT allowed.
Early Release
- Employees will not make up this time. Employees will be made whole with “Official Office Closing” being coded in payroll to credit all employees for their normal hours worked. NO overtime will be allowed.
Example - It is snowing and schools release at 11:30, it is the principal/supervisor’s decision for employees to leave when appropriate, however, the needs of all students must be met.
Students must not be left without appropriate and adequate supervision. Ensure the phones are being answered until all buses are back to school. The administration will be at the school until the last bus arrives safely back to school.