Student Photo Video Policy
Please note: The Objection to Release of Information includes opting your student out of all publicity and promotions. Please read the information below.
Photo/Video Policy
Our school system is proud of our students and their contributions to the school community. In an effort to highlight student achievement and promote positive relations with our community, Alexander County Schools will publicize student-created work and engagement via photos in everyday school activities and special events. If you would like to opt out your student’s work and photo, you must send written notification to the school office in advance of publication. If you choose to opt out, your child will not appear in any publication including Yearbook.
Your child’s image/photograph or created work may be included in a classroom, school, or district project that could be used in one of the following ways:
• Used as a demonstration project/activity/photo in education workshops/classes/conferences
• Used as a sample project/activity reproduced by Alexander County Schools for use in education workshops and student classrooms
• As a representation of events/activities and accomplishments at an individual school or at a school function, competition, or event
• Posted on the school or district website or social media pages on the Internet
• Submitted to publishers or as contest entries to sponsors
• Appear on a videotape made during a student presentation of their project, or in broadcasts or video
• Videotaped to appear in a school-related program to be used by a local television/cable station or school/county project
• Used in a printed publication such as a newspaper, magazine, brochure, banner, or annual report, etc.
Students participating in competitions or special events will be identified by first and last name unless requested otherwise prior to the competition or event. There is no monetary compensation for the use of the work or photos. An Objection to Release form is available on the district website ( or upon request at your child’s school. The absence of any written notification of objection to work or photo release on file grants us approval to publicize without prior notification and remains in effect until revoked. If a parent or guardian elects for their child's work and/or photograph to be excluded from use, such a request must be submitted in writing to the child's teacher at the beginning of the school year or prior to publication of these items.