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Distribution of Non-School Materials to Students

Flyer Distribution Process

Requests to distribute flyers must be made in writing two weeks in advance of distribution.  A copy of the flyer must be presented for approval.  Please read the information below.  

Our non-school material distribution procedures are as follows:
Flyers that are not considered offensive or disruptive to the educational environment may be made available for student pick-up.  An announcement will be made in the classroom or whole school (depending on the preference of the individual school) and students are allowed to take a flyer if they choose.

Alexander County Schools are not responsible for making copies or distribution of materials other than the procedures listed above.

 DISTRIBUTION OF NON-SCHOOL MATERIAL                   Policy Code: 5210

Students and the educational program must be the focus of our schools. Therefore, we must carefully screen and approve the distribution of any non-school material on school property.

The principal will apply the following standards in approving and distributing all non-school material on school property:

  • While materials will not be screened for viewpoint, the principal should establish whether the material substantially disrupts the educational environment and whether the manner in which the subject matter is conveyed is patently offensive or obscene.
  • The distribution of non-school material should not interfere with instructional time.
  • Materials must be clearly identified through the method of distribution or otherwise, as non-school materials that are neither endorsed nor necessarily reflective of the views of the school or school district.
  • Political campaign materials for candidates may not be distributed to students or employees (including through employee mailboxes) or made available on school grounds during school time or at school events. However, on election days, posters and printed materials are permitted at schools used as polling places in accordance with state law and board of elections requirements.

The principal or the superintendent may limit distribution of non-school materials to those that are related to the educational program.

Contact information for approval:  Dr. Denita Dowell-Reavis 828-632-7001 ext. 212 or